8 Digital Products That Are Still Selling in 2024

These digital products will help you gain that financial independence and freedom you’re looking for.

Money Mentality
5 min readJun 14, 2024
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

The digital world is the number one biggest way people make money these days. So many people have quit their jobs and made thousands, don’t be the one to miss out.

Digital products are goods that exist in a digital form and are created and consumed in a digital format. Creating and selling digital products and services is easy once you have a phone and internet access.

Today I’m going to give you 8-digital products with great sales records.

1. E-books

E-books are a very great way to earn money digitally. Writing e-books can be easy even if you aren’t a writer, especially with all the AI tools today. I do not advise using AI to write a quick book and just sell it for quick money. That is wrong and devalues other writers who work hard and write their books. However, if you aren’t an experienced writer and need AI for grammatical help, then that is okay.

An e-book is a great digital product because it’s something you do once and continuously earn without paying attention to it ever again.



Money Mentality

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